Aninsi Sasberg


The whole website is still under construction. Nonetheless, here's some information about me:

Who is Aninsi Sass.. Aninsi Sasberg as a stretched boi. ...berg?

My name is Maximilian Bernhard and I love creating things. Most of the time it's "music-things". I f***ing love making music. Be it playing the drums, bass, guitar, or keys,.. or even the computer keys. I love recording it, mixing it and of course playing it live with bands or in an ensemble.

If you want to hire me for the purpose of making music for you (for example if you need music for a film, or videogame you are working on), hit me up via e-mail!

Amongst the other things I like to do are: making weird drawings, posters, video art, (creative) coding, unfinished things. And also there's quotes.

Wish you the best <3.